Quitting People

The picture above is my family and they at times can be much like humans. This scene reminds me of a common occurrence among a group of people. There will be disagreements as we can see between Yashar (Grey dog) and Stella (white dog). Two sides strongly hold to their point of view, and then there are those in the background or to the side, Jade, not wanting to take any side for fear of causing strife.

Brothers and Sisters, before my awakening and walking in the truth, I know that I have ways about me that are difficult to handle or understand. Now I have added this walk to my life, and it alone can open the door to conflict even among like minded believers. Within the walk as individuals, we hold personal convictions. Through mine I have found life and joy in YESHUA alone and He has showed me how to live in this world lacking nothing as long as I cling to Him. However what I have learned recently is that when you find a group of like minded believers who are in perpetual search of truth in scriptures, and desire to follow the ways of YAHWEH; life doesn’t get any better than that. I almost jeopardized this relationship because I have a history where in which I quit people. Aunts, cousins, besties, boyfriends; it doesn’t matter. If I feel deeply, and am convinced that I have been wronged in some kind of way, I do not stick around; as I find the pain from conflict unbearable. Over the years I have managed to find comfort in this solution and it’s done quite well for me, until now.

When pondering the term “level up” as taught to me by my nephew, I have found that I am going through stages in my life where YAHWEH gets me to a different phase or point and then I have to “level up,” before moving on to the next phase He may have for me. My convictions brought me to a place where conflict did ensue, but as YAHWEH would have it this time around; quitting people was not the solution. While being alone is not a problem for me, I’m really not alone anymore am I? I am now walking in emunah with people who have purposed in their hearts to follow the laws of YAHWEH and walk in covenant with Him. Walking in covenant with Him is as important to them as it is to me, and I have to trust that they are actively living this walk too; and that can be scary for me.

When YESHUA is placed first in our lives, we come to agree on a set of standards which are found in scripture. At the point of conflict The Word stands as the final court of arbitration. As humans we rarely practice this; but guess what? In the midst of it all, love is critical and it is YESHUA Who gets us to that point. Real love can only be achieved through YESHUA regardless of what kind of relationship we are in. For once in my life no matter how hard, I had to take a step back, see the other side, check for misunderstandings; and allow for the same. 1 Peter 4:8 And above all things have fervent love toward one another, because love covers a multitude of sins. What this means to me is that at some point on any given topic, everyone is going to have their own valid argument according to scripture; a supporting scriptural reference that they passionately hold to the point of aggression. So what then? Well, loving my brothers and sisters with a real love will cause us to apply scripture, while having consideration for one another. Loving and considering my brethren causes me to not want to see anyone fail, or stumble. I don’t want to see hurt in their eyes, and hear pain in their voice, nor them of me. This kind of love says there MUST have been a misunderstanding in the heat of making our scriptural point; so together, let’s find a way that works. It also causes us to reprove one another, and to openly and willingly be reproved. Proverbs 27:5 Open rebuke is better than deceitful friendship.

For me, receiving rebuke or criticism in the past has been difficult because everyone lives by a different set of standards, or by standards they create that do not align with ours or the ways of our Father YAHWEH. However now, I personally welcome open rebuke because I’m surrounded by people who know what’s at stake with our souls. None of that worldly talk of “Who are you to tell me what to do?”, “You ain’t the boss of me.” or “Well that’s your truth, not mine.” When aligning with people who walk in the truth, each of us do our best to walk closely with YAHWEH; allowing His RUACH to flow through us; and He could speak through any of us, to another at any time. It’s kind of like when Nathan approached David and said “You are the man” Read it for yourself in 2 Samuel 12. This is a beautiful story of King David’s repentance after committing adultery. How would David have been able to repent of his sin if he was surrounded by worldly men or prophets patting him on the back for his transgression instead of rebuking him? I am so grateful to be surrounded by people who have good seed growing in them being watered by YAHWEH.

So no, I’m not quitting anyone anymore. I love my mishpachah (family) in YESHUA and YAHWEH willing we will hang tight until He brings us home. Proverbs 27:17 Iron sharpens iron so a man enlightens the face of his friend. Kind of hard to do this alone.

The spiritually dead will need a place to go when they are quickened. We must stick together as a family and be ready to bring them into the fold. HalleluYAH!

So all of you introverted hurt people out there, take it one step at a time and don’t quit anybody this week.


Just a few supporting scriptures:

Iron sharpens iron so a man enlightens the face of his friend.

-Proverbs 27:17

And above all things have fervent love toward one another, because love covers a multitude of sins.

-1 Peter 4:8

Open rebuke is better than deceitful friendship.

-Proverbs 27:5

Behold, How good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!

-Psalms 133:1

Henceforth, my brethren, rejoice, be perfect, be of good comfort, be of one mind, live in peace and the Elohim of love and peace shall be with you.

-2 Corinthians 13:11

Complete my joy by being in one accord and one love and one soul and one mind

-Philippians 2:2

And with all these things have love, which is the bond of perfection

-Colossians 3:14

For as we have many members in one body, and all members have not the same function 5: So we, being many, are one body in YESHUA, and every one members one of another.

-Romans 12:4-5

Be of the same mind one toward another. Mind not vain glory, but associate with those who are humble. Be not wise in your own conceits.

-Romans 12:16

Finally, live in harmony, share the suffering of those who suffer; be affectionate one to another, and be kind and gentle.

-1 Peter 3:8

1: Therefore, a prisoner of YAHWEH, beseech you to live as is worthy of the rank to which you are called. 2: With all humility and gentleness and with patience, forbearing one another in love 3: Endeavoring to preserve the harmony of the spirit in the bond of peace. 4: That you may become one body and one RUACH, even as you are called in one hope of your calling; 5: There is one YAHWEH, one faith, and one baptism; 6: One Elohim and Father of all, who is above all and through all, and in all of us.

-Ephesians 4:1-6


The Covenant


The Desires of my heart