They Don’t Understand

Not too long ago I had the pleasure of having a completely delightful conversation with a beloved brother in the faith regarding another of my favorite subjects, yes; photography. It was refreshing to speak with him on certain aspects of the this hobby, share ideas, concepts and photos. I expressed my love of night photography and while these are no where near the best I can churn out, what is compelling to me is the colors captured, the thick horizon of clouds in the background of the 1st picture, and the movement of the scattered faint clouds in the 3rd picture all using a very slow shutter speed. At first glance one would not understand that these were taken in the middle of the night in complete darkness. It is exhilarating to capture colors, movement of clouds not readily noticeable with the naked eye and light in the skies appearing as if it were daytime. I pray this week’s devotional is a blessing to you.

35: The people stood watching, and the rulers sneered at Him. “He saved others,” they said, “so if He really is the Messiah, the one chosen by the ELOHIM, let Him save Himself!” 36: The soldiers too ridiculed Him; they came up, offered Him vinegar 37: and said, “If you are the king of the Jews, save yourself!” 38: And there was a notice over Him which read, THIS IS THE KING OF THE JEWS 39: One of the criminals hanging there hurled insults at Him. “Aren’t you the Messiah? Save yourself and us!” 40: But the other one spoke up and rebuked the first, saying, “Have you no fear of the ELOHIM? You’re getting the same punishment as He is. 41: Ours is only fair; we’re getting what we deserve for what we did. But this man did nothing wrong.” Luke 23:35-41 (CJB)

How many times have you read, heard or saw the the crucifixion account depicted in movies? Many times? Too many times to count? Feeling a bit desensitized to it maybe? Maybe we’ve heard it so many times, and have seen it portrayed in movies that it’s much like Black Panther and the Country of Wakanda; a nice dramatic story but really, just a movie. However it isn’t. Whether one believes it to be or not, it is History. YESHUA died a bloody unwarranted death on a tree fashioned into a stake.

From His youth He was guilty of nothing but teaching the Tanakh (Torah), heal and raise souls from death. How short the memory of those who supported the Pharisees that demanded His death. While His death and resurrection was foretold and necessary for redemption, how sad that the overwhelming consensus of the people was that He die forever, never once believing in His resurrection; forgetting the prophecies of Isaiah, Jeremiah and Daniel. Didn’t any of these events seem familiar or bring about some form of déjà vu? Even the Matthew account Chapter 27 starting at verse 23: says: When he (Pilate) asked, “Why? What crime has He committed?” they shouted all the louder, “Put Him to death on the stake! It seemed that even Pilate didn’t understand why these people wanted to crucify their own, a prophet, a healer, their King. It was then Pilate said he washed his hands of the whole matter, and in verse 25: All the people answered, “His blood is on us and on our children!” Back to Luke 23:24, YESHUA hanging on the stake next to thieves; YESHUA said, “Father, forgive them; they don’t understand what they are doing.” They didn’t understand then, and so many still don’t today.

Why did it take, an unprecedented 3 hour darkness, the ripping of the temple curtain by no human hands, an earthquake, and the splitting of rocks before the people got even a hint of what they had done? While their souls await judgement in sheol, do they ponder their decision? What makes this generation different; especially when that generation had YESHUA with them? YAHWEH in flesh walking and talking amongst them healing, raising the dead, laughing, teaching and eating with them. This entire existence is His, yet He loves us enough to allow us to do what we want, and the world today represents exactly that. I pray that anyone reading this understands that He loves us and wants us to choose Him. What He created has been corrupted, profaned and destroyed, and when YESHUA returns; He will be returning to set things right for the Kingdom of ELOHIM. We have another chance to choose to stand in faith, and patience for the return of our Messiah; who will abolish wickedness in the earth. Let us learn from the tragic mistakes of our ancestors, reversing the curse they handed down upon our heads, and choose to stand on the blessing and the promise of YESHUA’S return. Choose life!

Shalom & Berekah!

Just a few supporting scriptures:

The Crucifixion Account

-Matthew 27, -Luke 23

“I call on heaven and earth to witness against you today that I have presented you with life and death, the blessing and the curse. Therefore, choose life, so that you will live, you and your descendants, 20: loving YAHWEH your ELOHIM, paying attention to what He says and clinging to Him — for that is the purpose of your life! On this depends the length of time you will live in the land YAHWEH swore He would give to your ancestors Avraham, Yitz’chak and Ya‘akov.”

-Deuteronomy 30:19-20 (CJB)

Since they themselves keep telling us about the welcome we received from you and how you turned to EL from idols, to serve the true ELOHIM the one who is alive, 10: and to wait for His Son YESHUA whom He raised from the dead, to appear from heaven and rescue us from the impending fury of the ELOHIM’S judgment.

-1 Thessalonians 1:9-10 (CJB)

May the ELOHIM of shalom make you completely Kodesh — may your entire spirit, soul and body be kept blameless for the coming of our Master YEHSUA the Messiah.

-1 Thessalonians 5:23 (CJB)

So, brothers, be patient until the Master returns. See how the farmer waits for the precious “fruit of the earth” — he is patient over it until it receives the fall and spring rains.

-James 5:7 (CJB)

After saying this, He was taken up before their eyes; and a cloud hid Him from their sight. 10: As they were staring into the sky after Him, suddenly they saw two men dressed in white standing next to them. 11: The men said, “You Galileans! Why are you standing, staring into space? This YESHUA, who has been taken away from you into heaven, will come back to you in just the same.

-Acts 1:9-11 (CJB)

Look! He is coming with the clouds! Every eye will see Him, including those who pierced Him; and all the tribes of the Land will mourn Him. Yes! Ahmein!

-Revelation 1:7 (CJB)

“Pay attention!” [says YESHUA,] “I am coming soon, and My rewards are with Me to give to each person according to what he has done.

-Revelation 22:12 (CJB)

There will appear signs in the sun, moon and stars; and on earth, nations will be in anxiety and bewilderment at the sound and surge of the sea, 26: as people faint with fear at the prospect of what is overtaking the world; for the powers in heaven will be shaken. 27: And then they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with tremendous power and glory. 28: When these things start to happen, stand up and hold your heads high; because you are about to be liberated!”

-Luke 21:25-28 (CJB)


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My First Love