The Sound of the Trump

I have often remarked that the clouds and skies in CA are nothing like the clouds and skies in TN. I don’t think I have seen cloud formations in CA so thick, white and pillowy since I was a little girl. The night skies are remarkable as well, clear and starry. However day or night, when the trumpet sounds, I pray that I am worthy to meet in the air, our MASHIACH, our King, YESHUA.

It’s been a year now since I have been fellowshipping with a family of like minded believers and literally a year ago around this time I was in my home working when suddenly I hear this blaring sound much like a horn. There were several long deep bellows and I was immediately reminded of 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 For YAHWEH Himself shall descend from Heaven with a shout and the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet of ELOHIM; and those who died in YESHUA will rise first, 17: Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet YAHWEH in the air; and so shall we ever be with YAHWEH. I literally ran outside looking up knowing deep down the sound was explainable but for a moment, I did think “but what if?” As I walked back into my place, I smiled thinking to myself that I was indeed ready to go or at least I pray that I was ready. I giggled as I sat down at my desk, the sound still blaring so I decided to record it and post it in the group chat of those whom I fellowship with. Along with the audio I stated:

“I am working and suddenly hear this blaring sound! I got excited and ran outside to meet Him…Nothing! Guess it was just noise from some machinery where someone is working on their house…😕 Regardless, I was/am ready!”

It was just a bit of light hearted fun, and it felt so good to spark conversation about our anticipation of the return of our King. One person even said, “It did sound like a shofar! It’s time to go home to be with the KING!” Not many would understand this, and I’m grateful to know this beautiful family of people who do.

Since that day, I have thought about this often and seriously ask myself, Am I ready? If I’m pulled up into the clouds would I look down, like Lot’s wife? If I’m sitting on my porch and a Malak (Angel) appears holding out his hand saying “Come with me now.” Would there be any hesitation? With all confidence I can say no hesitation at all. One may even think well you must hate your life to be so eager to leave it all behind. Again and with confidence not at all; in fact I am joyful in YAHWEH-YESHUA which causes me to be grateful with where I am in my life today. Is everything perfect? No definitely not, and I work hard to not complain because the scriptures assure me that if I remain obedient, eventually everything will be perfect Hebrews 10:14 says For by one offering He has perfected for ever those who are sanctified. Therefore I press on here in the physical through all the ups and downs and besides, walking closely with Him I find beauty, joy and life in almost anything.

YAHWEH placed it on my heart to write this devotional specifically after a conversation with the same family of believers I mentioned earlier. We received a news video or a warning rather, from some sisters in the faith in Iran warning true believers in the US that they have been under persecution and that we in the West should expect the same in the coming months. This is an eye opening wake up call and this warning is something that should be taken seriously as it does line up with scripture. I offered up a quick prayer over the group and pondered this information deeper. I thought back to the false blaring trumpet sound and how much I was still ready to go even though back then I was in the middle of remodeling the kitchen. It was coming along nicely and during the process I thought about all the nice meals I would prepare in it and how I didn’t even mind cleaning up a kitchen like that but still, I was ready to leave that nice kitchen and home YAHWEH allowed me to make for myself. Nothing in this world matters to me and just to be in the presence of our Savior and King is my deepest desire. For me, it is the goal. So if I am counted worthy, I am grabbing on to the hand of that Malak (Angel) and will not be looking back. BUT, what if it is not the sound of the trumpet or the hand of a Malak? What if it is the National Guard knocking on my door with questions about my life style, worship habits and details about my faith? What if when I answer honestly, they state that my beliefs are a threat to national security and I must come with them? I will still have to leave the comforts of my home, but this time it will be to surrender to the world’s governing system, possibly live in a camp or jail cell and not immediately go on to glory with our Father YAHWEH.

It’s true what one of the brothers in the faith said, we are spoiled in the US and some have not even suffered real loss of any kind. It’s a painful experience to lose your job, home, and loved ones whom you are close to. However those are the times where we should praise Him in advance and know confidently that we are being tried by YAHWEH. If we allow Him, trusting only in our ELOHIM, it is in those times He strengthens us and builds within us the character and resilience we will need to boldly confess our faith to those authorities, holding forth our wrists without hesitation. All trials perfect us, there is no qualifying level or degree of a trial; if you are in covenant with the ELOHIM and a trial knocks the wind out of you, you are being perfected. 2 Corinthians 12:9-10 says And He said to me, My grace is sufficient for you: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore I would rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Mashiach may rest upon me. 10: Therefore I am content with infirmities, insults, hardships, persecutions, and imprisonments for Mashiach’s sake; for when I am physically weak, then I am spiritually strong. I read this verse years ago many times as a verse a pastor would give during a sermon and even as I write this now, I realize it meant nothing to me then. Reading this verse again after so long, opened up a floodgate of emotions as I empathize with Paul. I guess YAHWEH needed me to go through a few things before certain scriptures resonated with me and this is an extremely important one to cling to as people continue to grow dark and cold. Paul is a great example of one who endures in-spite of it all; and endure we must, until the end. Matthew 24:11-13 And many false prophets will rise and will mislead a great many. 12: And because of the growth of iniquity, the love of many will become cold. 13: but he who has patience to the end will be saved.

So you see there is a difference between leaving it all behind to meet YESHUA in the air, and leaving it all behind to be imprisoned for Mashiach’s sake. Let us consider this in all sincerity of the heart, calling upon our Father YAHWEH and clinging to His Son YESHUA as together, we boldly endure.


Just a few supporting scriptures:

For YAHWEH Himself shall descend from Heaven with a shout and the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet of ELOHIM; and those who died in YESHUA will rise first, 17: Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet YAHWEH in the air; and so shall we ever be with YAHWEH.

-1 Thessalonians 4:16-17

For by one offering He has perfected for ever those who are sanctified.

-Hebrews 10:14

And He said to me, My grace is sufficient for you: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore I would rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Mashiach may rest upon me. 10: Therefore I am content with infirmities, insults, hardships, persecutions, and imprisonments for Mashiach’s sake; for when I am physically weak, then I am spiritually strong.

-2 Corinthians 12:9-10

Blessed are those who are persecuted for the sake of justice, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. 11: Blessed are you when men reproach you and persecute you and speak against you every kind of evil falsely, for my sake. 12: Then be glad and rejoice, for your reward is increased in heaven, for in this very manner they persecuted the prophets who were before you.

-Matthew 5:10-12

And many false prophets will rise and will mislead a great many. 12: And because of the growth of iniquity, the love of many will become cold. 13: but he who has patience to the end will be saved.

-Matthew 24:11-13

And He will send His angels (Malak) with a large trumpet, and they will gather His chosen ones from the four winds, from one end of the heaven to the other.

-Matthew 24:31

He that shall endure the peril in that time hath kept himself: they that be fallen into danger are such as have works, and faith toward the Almighty.

-2 Esdras/4 Ezra 13:23

Everyone who lives must walk the narrow and meaningless ways of this world in order to receive the blessings stored up in the world to come. 15: So, Ezra, why are you upset and disturbed by the thought that you are mortal and must die? 16: Why don't you think about the age to come, rather than the present age? 17: I answered, "Lord and master, in your Law you said that the righteous would receive all these blessings, but that the wicked would perish. 18: The righteous then can endure all the difficulties of this narrow way because they look forward to the broad and open life of the future, but the wicked must pass through the narrow way without any hope of seeing the broad open life.

-2 Esdras/4 Ezra 7:14-18

Then I saw the seven angels (Malak) who stood before ELOHIM, and seven trumpets were given to them.

-Revelation 8:2

But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of ELOHIM will be fulfilled, as He has proclaimed to His servants, the prophets.

-Revelation 10:7

And the seventh angel sounded and there were great rumblings of thunders, saying, The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdom of YAHWEH and of His Mashiach; and He shall reign for ever and ever

-Revelation 11:15


Exactly What and Who is Fair?


Gratitude and Patience