Nothing’s As It Seems

This is one of my favorite pictures I took when visiting the Big Sur area in CA. The flowers are close and in focus and blurred in the background is probably a 300 ft drop to a rocky oceanic death. I had to get pretty close to the edge of the cliff to get this shot. However beautiful and inviting this picture may be, it’s not completely what it seems.

As the world continues forward with the book of Revelation unfolding right before our eyes, I am reminded of a TV series that I was addicted to, yes addicted. I don’t watch much TV anymore which is quite surprising for me; but I digress as this is a different testimony for another time. So, the series was called Game of Thrones. There was a character named the Night King, he was one bad, scary dude. He was the leader of this race called the White Walkers. The Night King is one of the first of his kind, existing since the age of the “First Men”, hmmm (Insert thinking emoji here). He is described as being the most dangerous and most powerful of his race, he is distinguished from the rest of his people by his "crown" of pointy, frosty horns and get this, he has the power to raise the dead. In fact that is the name of his army, the army of the dead. We are also introduced to the Night’s Watch (the good guys); men appointed to stand guard and watch for white walkers who might breach the 700 ft high massive wall of ice separating the humans from the white walkers. Additionally, the Night’s Watch had joined with an order of people called the Wildlings to strengthen their army in numbers.

I’ll never forget the scene where the men of the Night’s Watch engaged in a relentless battle with the Night King and his army of the dead. So many of the Nights Watch and Wildlings died in that battle and just when the hero Jon Snow appeared defeated yet still hopeful that this battle could be won; he and the Night King, staring each other down as the Night King extended his arms horizontally slowly raising them. All the people that died in the battle being those of the Night’s Watch and Wildlings was quickened alive, to join the Night Kings’ army of the dead. So under these circumstances, the Night King’s army never decreases, he just raises a bunch of corpses and he’s good to go. Chilling right? No, more like blasphemous! Seriously, who else do you know that can raise the dead? Leave it to Hollywood to create a character with all the attributes of YAHWEH-YESHUA (The Lord-Jesus), and make him venomously evil.

This is what satan does and always has done; and since he has done this for so long, He is very good at it. 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4 Let no man deceive you by any means; for that day shall not come unless it is preceded by a rebellion and the man of sin be revealed as the son of perdition. 4: Who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called Elohim (Mighty Ones (God)) or that is reverenced; so that even in the temple of Elohim (Mighty Ones (God)), he sits as a god, and shows himself, as though he were a god.

The world I have grown up in has taught us the meaning of love equating it to “tolerance”; however YAHWEH-YESHUA (The Lord-Jesus) does not tolerate sin, 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 Do you not know that the wicked shall not inherit the kingdom of Elohim (Mighty Ones (God))? Be not misled; neither the immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor the corrupt nor men who lie with males. 10: Nor extortioners nor thieves nor drunkards nor railers ( scoffers) nor defrauders (cheaters) shall inherit the kingdom of Elohim (Mighty Ones (God)). Many things on this list fall under the worlds perception of love or, “if it makes you happy and is not hurting anyone; go for it.” This is the same as, “do what thou wilt”; a well known doctrine of the devil. The world even has people who engage in some of these practices voted into public office helping to create laws to protect these transgressions and shape public opinion normalizing these very things opposed to all our Father in the Shamayim (Heaven) meant for us. Isaiah 5:20 Woe to them who call evil good, and good evil; who put darkness for light and light for darkness; who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter. The only way to know the truth about anything anymore, and to see things for what they really are is to read scripture. One might ask why would I believe anything written in an archaic, seemingly irrelevant book? Because all of it’s prophecies thus far have come true, are coming true, and what the world teaches us about love is no comparison to what YAHWEH-YESHUA (The Lord-Jesus) teaches us about love in His written word.

We must be vigilant, using wisdom and discerning all matters in the world. When unsure of a matter, James 1:5 states: If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of Elohim (Mighty Ones (God)), who gives to all men liberally and with grace, and it will be given him. Our Father in Heaven wants us to seek Him for wisdom and as we can see from this verse, He will freely give it to us; we only need ask.

So you see, 2 Thessalonians 2:3 is very important because this son of perdition will fool many because he will encompass the attributes that the world has come to believe are good and of YAHWEH (The Lord) but are not. Therefore, 1 Thessalonians 4:16 For YAHWEH (The Lord) Himself shall descend from heaven with a shout and the trumpet of Elohim (Mighty Ones (God)) and those who died in YESHUA (Jesus) will rise first. When this happens, please do not fight against Him thinking that this is the Night King. It is YESHUA (Jesus) our Creator who loves you coming back just like He said He would, to defeat the enemy our oppressor, and reign as our one True King for eternity. HalleluYAH!


-Just a few supporting scriptures

Let no man deceive you by any means; for that day shall not come unless it is preceded by a rebellion and the man of sin be revealed as the son of perdition. 4: Who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called Elohim (Mighty Ones (God)) or that is reverenced; so that even in the temple of Elohim (Mighty Ones (God)), he sits as a god, and shows himself, as though he were a god.

-2 Thessalonians 2:3-4

Do you not know that the wicked shall not inherit the kingdom of Elohim (Mighty Ones (God))? Be not misled; neither the immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor the corrupt nor men who lie with males. 10: Nor extortioners nor thieves no drunkards nor railers ( scoffers) no defrauders (cheaters) shall inherit the kingdom of Elohim (Mighty Ones (God)).

-1 Corinthians 6:9-10

Woe to them who call evil good, and good evil; who put darkness for light and light for darkness; who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter.

-Isaiah 5:20

If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of Elohim (Mighty Ones (God)), who gives to all men liberally and with grace, and it will be given him.

-James 1:5

So YESHUA answered and said to them, “Take heed to yourselves that no man deceive you, 5: for many will come in my name, saying I am Mashiach, and many men will be deceived.

-Matthew 24:4-5

Enter in through the narrow door, for wide is the door and broad is the road which leads to destruction, and many are those who travel on it. O how narrow is the door and how difficult is the road which leads to life, and few are those who are found on it.

-Matthew 7:13-14

Reverence of YAHWEH despises evil; pride, arrogance, evil ways, and perverse speech do I hate

-Proverbs 9:13

There are six things which YAHWEH hates; yea, the seventh is an abomination to him: 17: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, 18: A heart that devises wicked imaginations, feet that are swift in running to mischief, 19: A false witness who speaks lies and he who sows discord among brothers.

-Proverbs 6:16-19

Let no man deceive you with vain words; for because of these things the anger of Elohim comes on the children of disobedience. 7: Therefore do not be partakers with them.

-Ephesians 5:6-7



