Trusting Him Completely

It’s been quite a journey and although it’s been well over 2 years since I woke up, somehow I have the feeling that I’m just getting started in this walk. Let’s see, I began to study scripture on my own, I learned what our Creator and our Savior’s true names are and I am learning to trust Him completely. Sounds so simple however for the last point Initially, trusting Him completely, can be a bit unnerving.

Anyone who knows me personally knows that I have never driven long distances. Living in the Inland Empire in CA it’s approximately 2 hours away from San Diego and that is the farthest I’d ever driven by myself. However I wanted to get back into photography and I found a landscape photography group who would meet up in different cities all over CA to take pictures. My desire to take these pictures had to over come my fear. The first trip was to Death Valley, 4 hours away and about half of that drive took place in the middle of the desert where nothing could be seen in any direction as far as your eye can see. When I took that trip in the 11th month of 2020, my awakening occurred about 6 months prior, however my blind faith in YAHWEH had always been there and even more so after all I’d been through in my life up until that point; so He accompanied me on the ride the entire time. That trip was amazing and I can not describe the unchained feeling of freedom YAHWEH brought me through that experience.

I am currently studying the book of Daniel. I remember reading this book years ago fascinated with the story of the 3 Hebrew boys as much of the world is. However what is more fascinating is the translation that I read now. I read from George M. Lamsa’s Aramaic Peshitta which is the accepted translation of the YESHUA believers in the East. We also know that there are excerpts of the scriptures with manuscripts written in Aramaic; Daniel being one of them. From the 6th to the 4th century BC, Aramaic and Hebrew where the common language. Lamsa is fluent in Aramaic therefore it would make sense that his translation would be a more direct and concise version as opposed to Hebrew/Aramaic to Greek, to English. So in Lamsa’s translation where the Hebrew boys are about to be thrown into the fiery furnace because they will not bow down to Nebuchadnezzar’s golden image, (If you have not read Daniel chapter 3, I suggest you do, it’s an amazing chapter regarding faith in YAHWEH.) The Peshitta reads a bit differently than other translations including the KJV and KJV 1611. Chapter 3:17-18 (Peshitta) For there is our ELOHIM whom we serve, He is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and He will deliver us out of your hand, O king. 18: Then the king shall know that we will not serve your god nor worship the golden image which you have set up. Now the KJV says: Chapter 3:17-18 If it be so, our ELOHIM whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and He will deliver us out of thine hand, O king. 18: But if not, be it known unto thee, O king, that we will not serve thy gods, nor worship the golden image which thou hast set up. See how other translations slip in 3 little worlds which plant doubt in our minds, as if there is a possibility that YAHWEH will not deliver us?

Since I do not believe in coincidences, I do believe this chapter and verse was meant for me to read right now at this time in my life. That trip to Death Valley was the first of many which led to me driving from CA to TN by myself. I had prepared so long for this venture, this leap of faith; then suddenly right around the last few days before it was time for me to leave, I became inundated with fear. As a true believer this is something we should not allow ourselves to do. I went into deep prayer, put it behind me and off down the highway I went. My only prayer during this time is that His Will be done in my life. I believe that if I open myself up to YAHWEH and allow Him to have His way in my life, completely dying to self; this will align my desires with His Will and in this, what in the world could I possibly want or need? By the time I made it into TN I found that once again, I experienced another exhilarating, overwhelming feeling of freedom that only YAHWEH can give.

While I have successfully faced that fear, my trust allowed YAHWEH to lead me into living a life I never thought possible. I love the path that YAHWEH is carving out for me however months after I settled into my new life, I realized that the enemy was just getting started. I have had to force myself to realize that letting His will be done in my life also means that I must get out of the details. This is a weakness for me because while I do open myself up to allow my desires to align with His Will, I get a little shaky when the road leading to those desires don’t quite match the route I had planned to take; fear sets in and I become a back seat driver. However Daniel chapter 3 reminded me that we must trust Him with an unwavering faith. Growing up in the world has weakened this for me as I seek to rely on so many things first before trusting in YAHWEH. What I find is that I can, have more faith in my car than I do Him. Every time I leave my home, I grab my keys without thinking about it, I insert the key into the ignition, and I turn the key with full expectation that the car will start. Who promised me that the car will start? Not to mention the anger and frustration I experience when it doesn’t. There are no promises that my car will start however the scriptures are full of promises to us that our Father YAHWEH will show up time and time again; as long as we are in covenant with Him and remain obedient.

YAHWEH doesn’t like it when we fear especially when it’s a fear drenched in doubt regarding His faithfulness to us. As a matter of fact it is a command in Joshua 1:9 Behold, I have commanded you, Be strong and of good courage; fear not, neither be dismayed; for YAHWEH your Elohim is with you wherever you go. Isn’t it beautiful to know this? I will leave both of us with another beautiful, comforting verse Isaiah 41:13 For I am YAHWEH your Elohim, the strengthener of your right hand. I have said to you, Fear not; I am your helper.

Brothers and Sisters, there are many things going on right now trying to grip me with fear but I rather hold on to what I do know, which is what our Father YAHWEH and His Son YESHUA have already told me in scripture. Prayerfully and YAHWEH willing when I make it to the other side of this test, I will share the details so that you may rejoice with me. However let’s rejoice, praise Him in advance and dig in to His faithfulness. If you are given to fear because of the woes from your life, your job or family; not sure how you are going to provide for yourself, your family or just plain fearful due to the uncertainty of navigating through the world as we know it today; repent with me, let’s get in prayer, and meditate on the beautiful promises from our Father I have listed below.


P.S. The images above are from my Death Valley trip. Who knew CA has sand dunes like the Sahara Desert and Namibia? 🤷🏽‍♀️

Just a few supporting verses:

For there is our God whom we serve, He is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and He will deliver us out of your hand, O king. 18: Then the king shall know that we will not serve your god nor worship the golden image which you have set up.

-Daniel 3:17-18 (Peshitta)

Behold, I have commanded you, Be strong and of good courage; fear not, neither be dismayed; for YAHWEH your Elohim is with you wherever you go.

-Joshua 1:9

As for me, I am now going the way of all the earth; and you know in all your hearts and in all your souls that not one thing has failed of all the good promises which YAHWEH your ELOHIM spoke concerning you; all have come to pass to you, and not one thing has failed. 15: Therefore, just as all the good things have come upon you which YAHWEH your ELOHIM promised, so shall come upon you all the curses, until He have destroyed you from off this good land which YAHWEH your ELOHIM has given you.

-Joshua 23:14-15

For I am YAHWEH your Elohim, the strengthener of your right hand. I have said to you, Fear not; I am your helper.

-Isaiah 41:13

YAHWEH is my help, I will not fear; what can man do to me?

-Psalm 118:6

Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of ELOHIM, that he may exalt you in due time, 7: Casting all your cares upon Elohim for He cares for you.

-1 Peter 5:6-7

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.

-Psalm 23:4

For YAHWEH has not given us the spirit of fear but of power and of love and of good discipline.

-2 Timothy 1:7

Be strong and of good courage fear not, nor tremble before them; for it is YAHWEH your ELOHIM who goes with you; He will not fail you, nor forsake you. 8: And it is YAHWEH who goes before you; He will be with you, He will not fail you, nor forsake you; fear not, neither tremble, nor be dismayed.

-Deuteronomy 31:6,8

YAHWEH is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? YAHWEH is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?

-Psalm 27:1

I sought YAHWEH, and He heard me and delivered me from all my troubles. 5: Look towards Him and trust in Him, and you shall not be disappointed.

-Psalm 34:4-5


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Warning The Wicked