I am currently studying the book of Maccabees II. I just finished chapter 3 and found it to be a beautiful and encouraging story about Onias who was appointed high priest over the Jews; overseeing The Temple of YAHWEH. He is described as one having a hatred of wickedness, and was honored by his people and kings. Oddly enough this story reminded me of some gardening/landscaping projects I have been working on lately. Why, you ask? Well, Onias was keeping it down for the people of Israel by upholding the laws of YAHWEH. Unfortunately early on in the chapter we are introduced to a hater named Simon, yes haters existed way back then too. Simon got mad at Onias because he called him out over some disorder. So Simon went to Apollonius the governor of Celosyria and Phenice and blabbed to him about all the gold and money in the temple. I’m sure you can guess what happened next.
Long story short, Apollonius told the king about all the gold, treasures, and money; and the king sent out his treasurer Heliodorus to go get all of it and bring it back to him. I guess to them it seemed like an easy thing to do but they forgot one thing; those things belong to YAHWEH and Onias was in covenant with YAHWEH upholding His laws (Torah). If you understand this covenant and YAHWEH, then you know that many blessings come to those who keep it, one of which is protection.
When Heliodorus and his men trampled the temple to seize the goods, Onias and all the Israelites called upon the Most High Elohim YAHWEH. All of the prayers and crying out to YAHWEH were ignored by Heliodorus until appeared before him a horse and I quote “with a terrible rider, adorned with a very fair covering, and he ran fiercely and smote at Heliodorus with his forefeet” then also “two other young men appeared before him, notable in strength, excellent in beauty, and comely in apparel, who stood by him on either side; and scourged him continually, and gave him many sore stripes”. (Insert giggle here) Heliodorus was forced to acknowledged the power of our Elohim as he was struck down, couldn’t speak and thought he was going to die. His friends even asked Onias to pray to YAHWEH that He not kill Heliodorus in case the king might blame Onias for his death; because what they all witnessed no man would believe unless they saw it for themselves. In the midst of Onias’ prayer, those same two men appeared again and told Heliodorus to thank Onias as it was because of him YAHWEH spared his life. They then told Heliodorus to go out and tell everyone about the mighty power of Elohim which they did witness. Whew, what a beautiful detail of history.
The supernatural saving powers of YAHWEH fighting for His people are written about all through the Old Testament Scriptures. These accounts appear in Judges, Chronicles, the removed books like Jubilees, this book Maccabees and many others. The point I am trying to make here is that we see YAHWEH show up time and time again for His people when they are in covenant with Him abiding by His laws. He created the laws to protect us from this false deceptive world built up around us, distracting us until we die; then it’s too late. Onias was protected against Heliodorus without lifting a finger. The reason why YAHWEH sent His crew was because Onias was a keeper of His Laws and statutes. Deuteronomy Chapter 28 details the blessings that cover us when we are in covenant with Him, as well as depicts the curses when we are out of covenant. I love our Elohim so I obey Him and keep covenant with Him. I let Him fight for me, rather than protest, riot and vote. He is still the same now as He was then. Malachi 3:6 For I am YAHWEH, I change not; but you sons of Ya’aqov (Jacob) have not departed from your iniquities.
So yes, YAHWEH, His laws and how He is an Elohim of order reminds me of my gardening project. There are laws as well governing its success which are, take all things to YAHWEH in prayer, till the ground, fertilize the soil, plant grass seed, water the seed and then HalleluYAH, the grass grows! Above is a before and after shot of a patch of my grass. The five components I named above are commands I gave to the patch and as you can see with these commands, grass grew; not rocks, frogs, or rubber balls, but grass, as commanded. It is the same with dirt, if you add water, it becomes mud; not pudding, or hamburgers but mud, the dirt does what it’s supposed to do.
Isn’t it amazing how the earth is more obedient than we? I don’t know about you, but I’m rolling with YAHWEH and His covenant.
Just a few supporting verses:
Do not think that I have come to throw down the Torah and the Prophets, on the contrary, I came to confirm. 18: I say unto you in truth, that not one word will be diminished from the Torah - that it would not be performed until the end of the world…
- Matthew 5:17-18
Wherefore the law is holy and the commandment holy and just, and good
-Romans 7:12
For it is not the hearers of the law who are righteous before Elohim, but it is the doers of the law who shall be justified
-Romans 2:13
What, then? Do we nullify the law through faith? Far be it; on the contrary, we uphold the law
-Romans 3:31
He who closes his ears from hearing the law, even his prayer is an abomination.
-Proverbs 28:9
For there be many that perish in this life, because they despise the law of Elohim that is set before them.
-2 Esdras or 4 Ezra 7:20