His Name In Vain

I’ll never forget my very first fall season in TN with the delightful changing color of the leaves. Now, just like that poof, time has changed; falling back one hour and it’s already beginning to look like winter. Sleepy Hollow I called it when I first drove up this street nearly a year ago in 12/2021.

There’s a lot going on in the world today and I pray that whatever it is you have allowed into your lives by way of social, and main stream news media you have not allowed it to distract you from what’s real and most important in our lives today. What must be more important than anything in our lives right now is our faithfulness to The Most High YAHWEH, the continued study of His word, and continuing to remain open to His RUACH asking for wisdom and discernment in these dark days. While the days now and ahead are growing darker, there is a light of truth being spread abroad making the lines that are drawn even clearer. As these lines become more clear, excuses will not be entertained and the choice of which side of the line we stand on will be mandatory. YAHWEH is waking His people up, so now is the time to figure it out.

While all of this is being figured out let’s take time to ponder on things He has already told us clearly. Last week I discussed the 2nd commandment; this week, I will focus on the 3rd. Exodus 20:7 You shall not take a false oath in the name of YAHWEH your ELOHIM; for YAHWEH will not declare him innocent who takes an oath in His name falsely. (Aramaic) Deuteronomy 5:11 You shall not take an oath by the name of YAHWEH your ELOHIM in vain; for YAHWEH will not hold him guiltless who takes an oath by His name in vain. (Aramaic) The translation in Deuteronomy is worded more closely to what I have grown up knowing and understanding of this commandment. To paraphrase, I learned at a very early age that we are not to take YAHWEH’S (Lord) name in vain. It’s interesting how I always believed that this meant that we are to just simply not to use His name as a cuss word, or we are not to flippantly say His name during an emotional exclamation. However, a couple of years ago, during the course of a situation that played out in my life, I realized at that time it is a much more than that.

So what happened, you ask? COVID, that’s what happened. Newly awaken to the truth, I was faced with my place of employment implementing mandates on the employees to inject into their bodies a medical solution explained to the world as necessary in order to prevent contracting and spreading an illness. For me it was already decided that I would not take part in this experiment, so I opted to be truthful about my faith and apply for a “religious exemption”. In order to exercise my faith in YAHWEH and to comply with His ways and laws, I explained my reasons as to why this decision went against my strongly held religious beliefs; all supported by scripture. I prayed on this along with the prayers of my brothers and sisters in the faith and by the mercy and faithfulness of YAHWEH it was approved. You can imagine my excitement over this as it was my belief that YAHWEH Himself approved it. After all it’s His company, and it is His ways I am faithfully following. In the mist of my joy I told several people because I wanted them to understand and see for themselves the faithfulness of our Father in Heaven. I was filled with joy due to all that YAHWEH was showing me, and all that I was learning about Him from reading the Old Testament; and I told anyone who was willing to listen.

Now, during this time I realized there were distinct populations of people, those such as myself who believed in the ELOHIM and not in their solution, those who were afraid of “COVID” and trusted the solution opting to immediately to take the solution, and those who had no real trust in the ELOHIM, but also didn’t trust the solution. Unfortunately, many of the people I knew personally opted for the solution. This experience was indeed a learning lesson for me. While I was tucked away in my happy bubble surrounded by the love and protection of our Creator, there were many who were not; as they scratched and clawed for a solution that both allowed them to resume the life they love in this world, while trying to reject the pitfalls that come with it. I shared my religious exemption with someone whom I thought was interested in embracing the ways of YAHWEH, and immediately after pressing send on the email; I felt conviction. In a followup conversation I explained that prior to submitting their own document, they should repent, pray to YAHWEH and ask for Him to lead them in this battle and I impressed upon them the importance of having a relationship with the Father when standing on His word and standing up for His principles. There was a bit of a ‘yeah, yeah’ response to all that I said, along with silence. Needless to say, I watched with great dismay their exemption getting approved, but with no real change in their life. While I was grateful this person escaped the tragic mistake of taking that solution; sadly, I was introduced to a deeper more profound way of taking our Father YAHWEH’S name in vain.

Growing up, no matter how I stumbled and faltered in my christian walk, my prayer life was at work and I have no doubt that He heard my cries to remove any insincerities from my heart and to take me through the fire so that I may see my faults; working to remove them in order to live a life that pleases Him. Slowly I drew closer to Him, very slowly….until BAM! April 2020, He woke me completely up and I mean it was like when someone violently shakes you out of a deep sleep. I’m not convinced, I don’t believe, I know. I know YAHWEH woke me up completely and He did this to prepare my heart and my life to honestly and with purity of heart to submit my exemption regarding my beliefs; walking in His ways. I know now that I have always been His daughter and He did not want me to falsely claim a belief in Him that I was not completely sold out for; and I love Him intensely for this. Leviticus 19:12 says, You shall not swear by my name falsely and so profane the name of your ELOHIM; I am YAHWEH. If I had not cultivated a relationship with the Living ELOHIM, but had continued in breaking the Shabbat, neglecting to understand Him better by reading scriptures and continue to celebrate the worldly holidays living by the standards of this world; wouldn’t I be swearing falsely by His name in submitting a religious exemption based on scripture to my place of employment? Matthew 15:9 says, And they worship me in vain when they teach the doctrine of the commandments of men. Professing to love, believe in and follow YAHWEH-YESHUA but then doing whatever we want on the 7th day of the week, failing to repent, walk in covenant with Him or, read scripture so that we know How to worship Him is the same as teaching and following the commandments of men. When these actions are done we are establishing our own commandments while using His name in the process. No matter how devout we think we are, He does not like this.

This subject reminds me of a beautiful story in the book of Jasher, it’s quite a long story so I will provide a link below and pray that you take the time to read it or even the book of Jasher because it contains more detailed versions and background to the stories you may already know from reading the Old Testament. In Jasher Chapters 63-64 we understand that the sons of Jacob have lived out their lives and passed on but there still remained their descendants that still believed in and prayed to the ELOHIM of their fathers. On the other hand, there was the grandson of Esau, his name was Tsepho and he had joined with the children of Kittim/Chittim. Some translations cite Kittim/Chittim as China and I have also heard that they are Rome. However, there was a king of Africa named Angias who consistently came against the children of Kittim/Chittim to plunder them. However, this time around after joining forces with Tsepho; Kittim/Chittim and Tsepho and their armies defeated Angias King of Africa. Later Angias sought to join forces with his brother Lukus building an incredible army. This terrified the children of Kittim/Chittim so they asked Tsepho to cry out to the ELOHIM of His fathers. As the grandson of Esau, he is the great grandson of Isaac who worshiped the one true living ELOHIM. Tsepho did cry out to YAHWEH. In Jasher 63:24 he prayed, Oh YAHWEH ELOHIM of Abraham and Isaac my fathers; today I know that You are a true ELOHIM, and all the el’s of nations are vain and useless. 25: Remember now Your covenant with Abraham our father, which our fathers related to us, and act favorably with me today for the sake of Abraham and Isaac our fathers, and save me and the children of Kittim/Chittim from the hand of the king of Africa who comes against us for battle. 26: And YAHWEH listened to the voice of Tsepho, and He had regard for him on account of Abraham and Isaac, and YAHWEH delivered Tsepho and the children of Kittim/Chittim from the hand of Angias and his people. What a faithful Elohim we serve but guess what happened in Jasher 64:5? It says, But Tsepho did not remember YAHWEH and did not consider that YAHWEH had helped him in battle, and that He had delivered him and his people from the hand of the king of Africa; but he still walked in the ways of the children of Kittim/Chittim and the wicked children of Esau, to serve other el’s which his brethren the children of Esau taught him; it is therefore said, “out of the wicked comes forth wickedness.” We learn later that Tsepho and his people were so puffed up from YAHWEH delivering them in that battle, they went against Egypt and the children of Israel therein and met their demise. This story in Jasher is a picture perfect depiction of what it means to take YAHWEH’S name in vain. Galatians 6:7 says, Do not be deceived; EL is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that shall he also reap. Therefore indeed Tsepho and his armies did reap what they sowed. Many times people do not reap immediate punishment from their transgressions but Psalm 94:7 says, Yet they say, YAHWEH does not see, neither does the EL of Jacob regard it. He most certainly does see and regard our transgressions, so let’s not be fooled by His patience.

To conclude, we can’t continue to allow transgressions to exist in our lives, and in our homes while at the same time profess to be in covenant with the Father. It is a serious matter and Ezekiel 39:7 says, So I will make my kodesh name known in the midst of my people Israel; and I will not let them profane my Kodesh Name any more; and the Gentiles shall know that I am YAHWEH, the Kodesh One of Israel. We are in the midst of a time now with so many people waking up to the truth of who they are in YAHWEH-YESHUA, but knowing this is not enough as it comes with much responsibility. Whether native born or grafted in, who we are to the Creator is a special gift and change in our lives is required in order to fully receive this gift. When I accepted this gift, I then had to learn what He required of me. What parent is OK with their children living in their home ignoring the rules they have established? I know of none. So when we choose to walk in covenant with the Creator of all, we choose to walk in His ways and this causes us to be set apart. We worship Him and represent Him in public and in private. He is omnipresent and omniscient and it is clear in His word what He expects of us. So if you are in this walk like I am, let’s be mindful of His expectations and careful not to misrepresent Him taking His name in vain. Let’s repent and abandon all that keeps us part of this world, preparing our hearts and minds to put Him first, and to serve Him in this world, and the eternal world to come.

Shalom & Berekah!

Just a few supporting verses:

You shall not take a false oath in the name of YAHWEH your ELOHIM; for YAHWEH will not declare him innocent who takes an oath in His name falsely. (Aramaic)

-Exodus 20:7

You shall not take an oath by the name of YAHWEH your ELOHIM in vain; for YAHWEH will not hold him guiltless who takes an oath by His name in vain. (Aramaic)

-Deuteronomy 5:11

You shall not swear by my name falsely and so profane the name of your ELOHIM; I am YAHWEH.

-Leviticus 19:12

And they worship me in vain when they teach the doctrine of the commandments of men

-Matthew 15:9

-Tsepho and the children of Kittim/Chittim

Do not be deceived; EL is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that shall he also reap.

-Galatians 6:7

Yet they say, YAHWEH does not see, neither does the EL of Jacob regard it.

-Psalm 94:7

So I will make my kodesh name known in the midst of my people Israel; and I will not let them profane my Kodesh Name any more; and the Gentiles shall know that I am YAHWEH, the Kodesh One of Israel.

-Ezekiel 39:7

Lest I be full, and lie, and say Who is YAHWEH? or lest I be poor and steal and that the name of my EL in vain.

-Proverbs 30:9

But above all things, my brethren, do not swear, neither by heaven, neither by earth, neither by any other oath; but let your words be yes, yes, no, no, lest you fall under condemnation.

-James 5:12

You shall not let any of your semen be cast into a strange woman to cause her to be pregnant; neither shall you profane the name of your EL; I am YAHWEH.

-leviticus 18:21

Why do you call me, My YAHWEH, my YAHWEH, and do not do what I say?

-Luke 6:46

Now if you who are called a Jew trust on the law and are proud of ELOHIM, 18: And because you know His will and know the things which must be observed, which you have learned from the law, 19: And you have confidence in yourself that you are a guide of the blind and a light to them who are in darkness, 20: An instructor of the foolish, a teacher of children, you are the pattern of knowledge and of truth as embodied in the law, 21: Now, therefore, you teach others but fail to teach yourself. You preach that men should not steal, yet you steal. 22: You say men must not commit adultery, yet you commit adultery, You despise idols, yet you rob the sanctuary. 23: You are proud of the law but you dishonor ELOHIM by breaking the law. 24: For the name of ELOHIM is blasphemed among the Gentiles through you, as it is written.

-Romans 2:17-24


Remember the Shabbat


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