Meditating on YAH’S Word

There have been a few times when speaking with one of my brothers in the faith, where he mentioned in passing that he was in his yard meditating. I was under the assumption that this is an occult practice, but I glossed over it with a brief conclusion that maybe it isn’t if he is doing it. Looking back now I wonder if our Father YAHWEH wanted me to question him on this practice as I do most things regarding the word. I say this because recently I have come across a deep dive study into this topic and apparently I have been sleeping on this meditation thing.

So to begin, I decided to look up the formal definition of the word meditate. I found that my understanding of meditation was slightly incorrect. While it is a form of directed thought, it is by no means limited to pagan chants and/or rituals. The Cambridge dictionary defines it as: to think calm thoughts in order to relax or as a religious activity. It also defines it as: to think seriously about something for a long time. The first definition is more descriptive and direct so I will focus on putting it to action. Now that I have an understanding of what man says regarding this practice. I now want to understand what YAHWEH says.

While I do read scripture and pray everyday, as well as fast, still the enemy has made his way back into my life via anxiety. I briefly mentioned in my last post about believing I had conquered an issue only to find it back in full force. Anxiety is quite debilitating and for a person who has never experienced it; all I can say is what a blessing! I read from the Aramaic Peshitta Ancient Eastern text and Genesis 24 talks about Isaac going out into the field but does not state that he meditates. However, the KJV states in Genesis 24:63-64 And Isaac went out to meditate in the field at the eventide: and he lifted up his eyes, and saw, and, behold, the camels were coming 64: And Rebekah lifted up her eyes, and when she saw Isaac, she lighted off the camel. My goodness, Isaac goes off to meditate and finds a wife, things are looking up already 😁. Seriously friends, we see that Isaac meditates and we also see this being practiced by Joshua a mighty warrior of YAHWEH; but get this, Joshua 1:8 states: This book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth; but you shall meditate thereon day and night; that you may observe to do according to all that is written therein; for then you shall succeed and prosper. Like many verses in scripture this one got me emotional as well. I really needed to hear this right now and I pray there are others out there who need to hear this too. Now let’s not forget that it says in Numbers 23:19 Elohim is not a man that he should lie; neither the son of man that he should be given counsel; He speaks and He shall do it, and His word abides forever. So you see, even with all this anxiety floating around in me it doesn’t really matter how I feel today, yesterday or 5 seconds from now, my focus needs to be steadfast; holding on to these words. The Joshua verse even has a berekah (blessing). If we “mediate thereon day and night and do according to what is written, we will succeed and prosper.” Many may relate success and prosper to financial gain, and while I’m by no means rich and could use money myself; restoration of the peace, clarity and joy I had earlier this year for me, this is prosperous success.

Within this devotional it is imperative for me to stress that this walk is not easy, I have lost a lot over time but He has restored nearly everything He brought down with something so much better. Unfortunately there are times like now, I lose the sound of His voice which is more important to me than anything He restored. However, a few weeks ago I listened to a teaching where a question was asked as an example and it spoke to me. Question: What happens in school when you take a test? Answer: The teacher is silent. Well my Father YAHWEH certainly has been silent and what I am experiencing now may be a test. When I was closest to Him, my every move depended on Him as I traveled across country, staying in random hotels and relying on Him to take care of me through the kindness of strangers. I had to hear His voice every step of the way in fact I begged for it everyday and now that I’m settled, keeping busy with various tasks in my life; my spirit feels unsettled, and empty. I’m often wondering what’s next, but maybe He’s waiting for me to ask Him instead of just wondering about it. It is also becoming clear to me that this is what this walk is all about; continuous pursuit of Him and His Will for my life. So yes it’s time to level up and meditate on His word. I can’t get lazy in my walk with YAHWEH. It’s much like a marriage relationship where the couple must find new and beautiful ways to fall in love all over again. It says in James 4:8 Draw near to Elohim, and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, O you sinners! And purify your hearts, Oh you of doubtful mind!

I love our Father YAHWEH and still the anxiety I thought I had beaten has come back and gotten the best of me. It’s time for me to ramp up and dig in deeper regardless of how I feel. He will change how I feel and restore it all as I focus on committing His word to memory by meditating on it, and eliminating things in my life sitting around with the potential of become an idol. If I still lived as the world does, I would have drinks with friends, go to brunch, go shopping or binge watch Game of Thrones; doing anything I could to keep the negative thoughts at bay. However, those negative thoughts come from the enemy and they are like weapons He uses against us. It says in Isaiah 54:17 No weapon that is fashioned against you shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against you in judgement, you shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of YAHWEH, and their righteousness is of me, says YAHWEH. Now, I know the first part of this scripture by heart, it’s continuously repeated in the christian circles. However, why for me has this verse never been memorized after the word “prosper”? This entire passage is like a nuclear missile attack on the enemy when he comes back around to try it with me; and Psalms, let’s not forget this book which is basically and entire book based on King David meditating. For example Psalm 4:4 Be angry and yet sin not; commune with your own heart and meditate upon your bed. Brothers and Sisters, I will be doing just that tonight.

In closing, for this devotional, let me be further transparent, I did not feel like writing a devotional today. There I said it. However, really it’s not about me or how I feel is it? It’s about my obedience to YAHWEH. He gave me the gift to express myself with words and set it upon my heart to write devotionals. He even gives me the subject matter to write on; so write I will regardless. I guess if it were about 4000 years ago I would be considered a scribe. I like that 😁! You know what else I like? In the image above, He gave me this perfect place as a gift; a place where I can go to meditate. I have been so ungrateful while all up in my feelings lately and I Repent!

I praise YAHWEH-YESHUA for each of you reading this devotional and I pray that you meditate on His word and draw near to Him too. You will not regret it. HalleluYAH!


Just a few supporting verses

And Isaac went out to meditate in the field at the eventide: and he lifted up his eyes, and saw, and, behold, the camels were coming 64: And Rebekah lifted up her eyes, and when she saw Isaac, she lighted off the camel.

-Genesis 24:63-64

This book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth; but you shall meditate thereon day and night; that you may observe to do according to all that is written therein; for then you shall succeed and prosper.

-Joshua 1:8

Elohim is not a man that he should lie; neither the son of man that he should be given counsel; He speaks He shall do it, and His word abides forever.

-Numbers 23:19

Draw near to Elohim, and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, O you sinners! And purify your hearts, Oh you of doubtful mind!

-James 4:8

No weapon that is fashioned against you shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against you in judgement, you shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of YAHWEH, and their righteousness is of me, says YAHWEH.

-Isaiah 54:17

Be angry and yet sin not; commune with your own heart and meditate upon your bed. Brothers and Sisters, I will be doing just that tonight.

-Psalm 4:4

Thou wilt keep us in perfect peace, for in thee we have trusted, O YAHWEH, for ever and ever 4: for YAHWEH ELOHIM is an everlasting strength.

-Isaiah 26:3-4

Finally, my brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honest, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good report; if there is any virtue and if there is any praise, think about these things.

-Philippians 4:8

But his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law does he meditate day and night. 3 And he shall be like a tree planted by a stream of water, that brings forth its fruit in its season, whose leaves fall not off; and whatsoever he begins he accomplishes.

-Psalm 1:2

Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my helper and my Saviour.

-Psalm 19:14

My mouth shall speak of wisdom; and the meditation of my heart shall be of understanding. 4: I will incline my ear to parables; I will chant my proverbs upon the harp. 5 I will fear not in days of evil, when the iniquity of my enemies shall surround me.

-Psalm 49:3-4

I have meditated in thy commandments, and am familiar with thy ways. 16: I have meditated in thy law in order that I may not forget thy words.

-Psalm 119:15-16

Let the wicked be ashamed, for they have humbled me unjustly; but I have meditated in thy precepts. 79: Let those who reverence thee turn unto me, and those who have known thy testimonies. 80: Let my heart meditate in thy statutes, that I be not ashamed.

-Psalm 119-78-80


Warning The Wicked


Only a Remnant