Do Not Covet

I began writing this devotional 12/25/2022 and ended up finishing it today 12-27-2022. Yesterday I drove up to visit my Aunt and the pictures captured above are a gift from my Father YAHWEH. I was so excited, snapping pictures running around the yard, opening my mouth to catch the flakes. It was all so beautiful until it was time to drive home. LOL! It was my first time driving on unplowed snow filled streets. I drove 20mph the entire 47 miles back home. On my drive up however, I saw frozen waterfalls and landscapes that reminded me of Winterfell. As I drove praising and speaking to YAHWEH all I could say or think is “Why me? Why do I get to be so blessed surrounded by such beauty of your creation?” It was immediately placed in my spirit ”Because you enjoy and appreciate it”….It was like a pale of cold water on my face because I have pondered this question before and it’s true. As I recall my conversations with my cousins, my aunt and my neighbor; their thoughts on the snow ranged from, I don’t like it to it’s too cold; and never leaving their home to experience the frozen waterfalls and icicles on the trees. At times when I explain where I live to others, an expression of disdain comes over their face so yes, I see now “Why me”. It’s not for everyone and you know what, neither is walking in Covenant with YAHWEH.

By now anyone who has read my devotionals over time knows I am obsessed with the weather. Since CA doesn’t really have weather it’s exciting to me to experience 4 degree temps and flurries of dust blowing around which is actually not dust, but powdery ice. It’s all so very beautiful to me. Is it comfortable? Not really, especially when the power goes out but what it does do is cause me to cling to YESHUA even more diligently, to pray harder and to put one of my favorite verses in the new testament to work. Even as a christian still walking in darkness, the RUACH was teaching me and guiding because He knew who I was truly reaching out to, and calling on. At that time He taught me to focus on the book of Proverbs and also to internalize Philippians 4:11 Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content. (KJV). It’s difficult to be content with one’s life and circumstances in the most difficult of times and I have complained much over the years; but YAHWEH always brings me back to repentance. No matter what I’ve been through, am going through, what I have, or don’t have, what I look like and what I don’t look like, I am content. My life is what it is, and I am who I am in because of Him and regardless of the mistakes, failures, heartbreaks and pain I have suffered then and now; I want nothing except what He has given me and I want to be nothing more than what He is making me to be. He is not finished, and I’m excited to see His story unfold in me.

Speaking of being content, this week I am touching on commandment 10. Exodus 20:17 You shall not covet your neighbor’s house, you shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, nor his manservant nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor anything that is your neighbor’s. (Aramaic Peshitta) Deuteronomy 5:18 Do not covet your neighbor’s wife; do not covet your neighbor’s house, his field, his male or female slave, his ox, his donkey or anything that belongs to your neighbor. (CJB). Strong's H2530 defines the word covet as several things; a few which are: to desire, take pleasure in and lust. Strong’s Hebrew Exhaustive Concordance 1215 recognizes it as unjust or illegal gain, lucre, profit and greedy. Anyone covet lately? No? 🙋🏽‍♀️Well I have. After moving into my neighborhood and after I first visited my neighbor’s home, my house compared to theirs looked well, let’s just say, nothing like theirs. I followed as they showed me around. I remember wishing that my home sat on a lot like theirs with their views. I imagined what it would be like to sit outside watching the sun set and rise from their vantage point. Later, on my way home Philippians 4:11 kicked in and I couldn’t imagine living anywhere else other than where YAHWEH placed me. My coveting, immediately turned to joy in my home and joy for being surrounded by people who are kind to me. I don’t need to have their view or their home, I have the RUACH HA’KODESH who guarantees joy no matter what; this kind of joy allows me to sing in the midst of a battle field. HALLELUYAH!

What I have come to understand about coveting is that it is a sneaky little transgression. Advertising agencies make billions from both fear and coveting. They make commercials with beautiful shiny things and cause people to fear that they are nothing without them. I used to believe that commercials didn’t work on me which is true to some extent; but the reality is that it depends on the commercial. Commercials for a new 80 inch HDTV may not have me waiting in lines on black friday, but commercials about the new Bronco being on sale might. Advertisements showcasing people with lives that we do not have, possessing things we can’t obtain have caused people to covet in such a way that they lie, cheat, steal, go into extreme debt and sometimes kill to get these things they believe will make them happy. James 4:2-4 says: You covet and do not obtain; you kill and envy, but you cannot possess; you strive and fight, yet you have nothing, because you do not ask. 3: You ask and you do not receive because you do not ask sincerely, you ask that you may satisfy your lusts. (Aramaic Peshitta) I may not lie, cheat, steal or kill but I’m very familiar with the debt situation; He has delivered me time and time again; but it’s like what an alcoholic says “I’m always in recovery”. Psalm 10:3 says: For the wicked boasts of his own desire, and YAHWEH is angry when the wicked is blessed. 4: The wicked in the pride of his countenance will not seek after The ELOHIM and there is no EL in all his thoughts. (CJB) This verse is not only powerful, it’s true. Whenever I desire something, whether it’s a car or a new place to live I get caught up in what I want, and why I want it. I always have to take a step back, repent, open myself up to the RUACH HA’KODESH and ask what YAHWEH wants. I have to remind myself that it’s only important or necessary for my life if, and only if it lines up with scripture, aligns with YAHWEH’S desires for me, and helps me in my work to advance the Kingdom of YESHUA. My wants outside of these things mean nothing.

When I read scripture and learn of all the ways the Israelites transgressed against YAHWEH back then, it’s no different than how people transgress today. Micha 2:1-2 says: Woe to those who think up evil, and plan wickedness as they lie in bed. When morning comes, they do it, since they have it in their power. 2: They covet fields and seize them; they take over houses as well, doing violence to both owner and house, to people and their inherited land. This sounds like it was written yesterday as we see Government, major corporations, and pharmaceutical companies all devise plans under the guise of a better economy, housing, to keep people safe promoting health and well being; when in reality their actions do none of what they promise. Scriptures like this echo the greed that is also linked to coveting and it is a very serious matter. In Joshua YAHWEH was making good on His promises delivering the enemies into the hands of the Israelites so they could obtain the lands promised to them. They had just obtained Jericho and then Achar from the tribe of Judah, due to his covetousness stole some treasures that were set to be destroyed. What is interesting is that in Joshua 7:1 it says: But the children of Israel committed a trespass in the devoted things; for Achar, the son of Carmi, the son of Zabdi, the son of Zera, of the tribe of Judah took some of the devoted things and hid them; and the anger of YAHWEH was kindled against the children of Israel. (Aramaic) I’m reminded of the saying, “One bad apple can ruin the entire bunch”. The entire population of the people transgressed in YAHWEH’S eyes because the next battle they fought was to seize AI, and because of this transgression 36 men of the Israelites were killed. It goes on to say in Joshua 7:11-12 Isra’el has sinned. Yes, they have violated my covenant, which I commanded them. They have taken some of what was to have been set aside for destruction. They have stolen it, lied about it and put it with their own things. 12: This is why the people of Isra’el cannot stand before their enemies. They turn their backs on their enemies, because they have come under a curse. I won’t be with you any more unless you destroy the things meant for destruction that you have with you. (CJB) There is a clear connection here with the way we live today. YAHWEH does not change and what happened then, is still true today. His people, we, have collectively forgotten our Father YAHWEH by taking up with idolatrous ways, collecting and taking pride in obtaining graven images, messing around with satans’ things, i.e., his holidays and walking in his ways rather than in the ways of YAHWEH. We turn our backs on the one whom our ancestors promised to walk in covenant with and then “cry where is He” when the battles come. We wonder why when we practice civil disobedience, host sit ins, march on Washington, protest and riot, still nothing changes. To sum it all up, Joshua 7:1 is why. Isaiah 57:13 says: When you cry, will those [idols] you gathered rescue you? The wind will carry them all away, a puff of air will take them off. But whoever takes refuge in me will possess the land and inherit my holy mountain. (CJB) Yet again another promise given to us from our Father YAHWEH, steeped in sarcasm, 🤭 yet still a beautiful promise. Unfortunately for Achar, he was burned alive for coveting those idols enough to steal them, and for anyone who says “my goodness what a harsh people and a harsh unloving El you serve”; just remember he did something he was already warned not to do, and 36 men died first because of it.

In conclusion, we serve a mighty EL, an EL of compassion, love, forgiveness, mercy and redemption; but we also serve an EL of wrath. He gave us 10 commandments on how to, as His people conduct ourselves, and to worship Him. He gave us His laws to show us how to live in away that sets us apart as wheat against the tares, keeping us safe from the enemy, while living in the midst of the enemy. A pagan-heathen culture which stands firmly against YAHWEH has been built up around us in such a way that the world has grown to love it, when all it is does is kill spiritually. This is actually the problem; no one believes in the spirit world or their spirit. They do not realize that this is the gift given to us with the potential to exist eternally with the Creator of all if we so choose Him. We trade our spiritual selves for the physical even when in Matthew 6:19-21 says: Moreover YESHUA MASHIACH said to his talmidum, “You must not gather the treasures within the depths, so that rust and moth ruin them, and thieves steal them, 20: but you must gather heavenly treasures so that rust and moth do not ruin them, and thieves do not steal your eyes. 22: All your body must be a sojourner, for if you eye is complete, all the body will be bright, 23: but if your eye is wicked, all the body will be dark. And if the lamp which should be in you is dark many darknesses will be in you. (Hebrew). This is what we see now isn’t it; many darknesses in people? So let us be the light, the remnant for YAHWEH-YESHUA. Let’s strengthen ourselves in the word spreading the gift of the Besorah to all whom will hear. Time is short, it is now time to stand together, not to protest, but to SHEMA, hear and obey. If you are reading this and need prayer, if you know anyone who is in need of prayer, or maybe you are just waking up not knowing what to do or where to turn; please do reach out to me via my email provided on the “about” page; I know exactly how to get you headed in the right direction. May the will of our FATHER YAHWEH be done in the lives of us all.

Shalom & Berekah!

Just a few supporting scriptures.

Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content. (KJV).

-Philippians 4:11

You shall not covet your neighbor’s house, you shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, nor his manservant nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor anything that is your neighbor’s. (Aramaic Peshitta)

-Exodus 20:17

Do not covet your neighbor’s wife; do not covet your neighbor’s house, his field, his male or female slave, his ox, his donkey or anything that belongs to your neighbor. (CJB).

-Deuteronomy 5:18

You covet and do not obtain; you kill and envy, but you cannot possess; you strive and fight, yet you have nothing, because you do not ask. 3: You ask and you do not receive because you do not ask sincerely, you ask that you may satisfy your lusts. (Aramaic Peshitta)

-James 4:2-4

For the wicked boasts of his own desire, and YAHWEH is angry when the wicked is blessed. 4: The wicked in the pride of his countenance will not seek after The ELOHIM and there is no EL in all his thoughts. (CJB)

-Psalm 10:3

Woe to those who think up evil, and plan wickedness as they lie in bed. When morning comes, they do it, since they have it in their power. 2: They covet fields and seize them; they take over houses as well, doing violence to both owner and house, to people and their inherited land

-Micha 2:1-2

You are to burn up completely the carved statues of their gods. Don’t be greedy (covet) for the silver or gold on them; don’t take it with you, or you will be trapped by it; for it is abhorrent to Adonai your God.

-Deuteronomy 7:25

But the children of Israel committed a trespass in the devoted things; for Achar, the son of Carmi, the son of Zabdi, the son of Zera, of the tribe of Judah took some of the devoted things and hid them; and the anger of YAHWEH was kindled against the children of Israel. (Aramaic)

-Joshua 7:1

Isra’el has sinned. Yes, they have violated my covenant, which I commanded them. They have taken some of what was to have been set aside for destruction. They have stolen it, lied about it and put it with their own things. 12: This is why the people of Isra’el cannot stand before their enemies. They turn their backs on their enemies, because they have come under a curse. I won’t be with you any more unless you destroy the things meant for destruction that you have with you. (CJB)

-Joshua 7:11-12

When I saw there with the spoil a beautiful robe from Shin‘ar, five pounds of silver shekels and a one-and-a-quarter-pound wedge of gold, I really wanted them. So I took them. You will find them hidden in the ground inside my tent, with the silver underneath.

-Joshua 7:21

When you cry, will those [idols] you gathered rescue you? The wind will carry them all away, a puff of air will take them off. But whoever takes refuge in me will possess the land and inherit my holy mountain. (CJB)

-Isaiah 57:13

Matthew 6:19-21 says: Moreover YESHUA MASHIACH said to his talmidum, “You must not gather the treasures within the depths, so that rust and moth ruin them, and thieves steal them, 20: but you must gather heavenly treasures so that rust and moth do not ruin them, and thieves do not steal your eyes. 22: All your body must be a sojourner, for if you eye is complete, all the body will be bright, 23: but if your eye is wicked, all the body will be dark. And if the lamp which should be in you is dark many darknesses will be in you. (Hebrew).

But his sons did not walk in his ways, but turned aside after lucre, and took brible and perverted judgment. (Aramaic)

-1 Samuel 8:3

Once, after his afternoon nap, David got up from his bed and went strolling on the roof of the king’s palace. From the roof he saw a woman bathing, who was very beautiful. 3: David made inquiries about the woman and was told that she was Bat-Sheva the daughter of Eli‘am, the wife of Uriyah the Hitti. 4: David sent messengers to get her, and she came to him, and he went to bed with her (for she had been purified from her uncleanness). Then she returned to her house.

-2 Samuel 11:2-4

Get up, go down to meet Ach’av king of Isra’el, who lives in Shomron. Right now he is in the vineyard of Navot; he has gone down there to take possession of it. 19: This is what you are to say to him: ‘Here is what Adonai says: “You have committed murder, and now you are stealing the victim’s property!” ’ Also say to him, ‘Here is what Adonai says: “In the very place where dogs licked up the blood of Navot, dogs will lick up your blood - Yours!

-1 Kings 21:18-19

Then they came into Kephar Nachum, and when they were in the house, Yeshua asked them, “What didyou dispute on the way?” 34: But they were quiet, for they were disputingabout which of them would be greatest. 35: So Yeshua called the twelve talmidim and said to them, “Those who [want] to be great among us will be a servant of all.

-Mark 9:33-35

Don’t you know that unrighteous people will have no share in the Kingdom of God? Don’t delude yourselves — people who engage in sex before marriage, who worship idols, who engage in sex after marriage with someone other than their spouse, who engage in active or passive homosexuality, 10: who steal, who are greedy (covetousness), who get drunk, who assail people with contemptuous language, who rob — none of them will share in the Kingdom of God.

-1 Corinthians 6:9-10

For from the least to the greatest of them, all are greedy for gains; prophets and cohanim alike, they all practice fraud —14: they dress the wound of my people, but only superficially, saying, ‘There is perfect shalom,’ when there is no shalom. 15: They should be ashamed of their detestable deeds, but they are not ashamed at all; they don’t know how to blush. Therefore when others fall, they too will fall; when I punish them, they will stumble.

-Jeremiah 6:13-15




Do Not Lie